
Martin Luther 1523

shared some pics with his friends. Look where I am right now! Come join me at the Wartburg. Bring your Greek Dictionary.

Ha, so that's where you're hiding! I'll talk to Friedrich. Maybe some money will change his mind...
Friedrich III at December 8, 2011 6:27 PM 
No way, he stays with me! I need him to finish the New Testament.

Martin Luther

via Craigslist: Monks-robe for sale! CHEAP!

Henry Tudor

@Tyndale: I already told you that I forbade you to bring English bibles into my realm. If you try I'll burn you on the stake!


Looking for someone to bring some New Testaments linen into England.

Pope Leo

has de-friended Martin Luther.

Kathy Luther

Martin, come home! I have the house full of students who want food and some of your lectures while eating. Make it here quick! And bring some milk.

Luther 1534

OK, guys, calm down. There is room for all of us!
@Vulagte, you served monks and clergy really well. But don't you think we need bibles in the vernacular? (Local languages?)
@Erasmus: Yeah, yeah, I had your edition in front of me when I translated the Old Testament and the New Testament into German. Nice scholarly work. But honestly, who speaks Latin and Greek beyond the cloisters? And you know what I think of cloisters, don't you...
@Luther 1523: You're only the New Testament. Come back when you're complete. Like your woodcuts, though. Will keep them for my own edition. With some changes.
@Froben: Can you make sure that no unauthorized copies will float around? If so, you're my new printer! But wait, you have Erasmus living in your house. Maybe I'll better stay in Wittenberg with my wife Kathie and my kids!
@King James: You're only 400 years old and came after all of us. But your translators did a good job. Ye sound rather fancy!


factum est autem in diebus illis exiit edictum a Caesare Augusto ut describeretur universus orbis

Das versteht ja kein Schwein! Sprich er DEUTSCH!

@ Vulagte and Luther 1523: Ye might want to speak the King's English!

I am the Latin translation of the Old and New Testament. I have been around since 328 when Jerome translated the testaments from Hebrew and Greek into Latin. I am the ONE AND ONLY bible you ever need. (And are allowed to read by the pope!)
Martin Luther at December 8, 2011 10:36 AM 

@King James: I know no king but Jesus! But, yes, I can speak English, if need be.
@Vulgate: But God's word is for all people. And not all people speak Latin. And so we need to have to bible in the vernacular (local spoken language). Since when can the antichrist, your pope, dictate what people read!

@Luther 1523: Your idea to translate the New Testament into German was good. People need to read the bible. But we also need new bibles for scholars. My poliglot edition, you know the one with all the different fancy languages, is really helpful for folks like you.
@Vulgate: You're so old and boring. And so full of mistakes!
 I'll print what you produce. As long as people are interested in buying it!